Top 15 Indoor Sports You Can Play At Home
- Jerome
- 09/14/2022
During the last year we were all confined to our homes due to the global pandemic taking control over our day-to-day lives. Most of the countries were placed in immediate quarantine, and we were left to our own devices. Depending on the place where you live, quarantine may still be in full effect, so I […]
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Skating: How Dangerous Is It?
- Jerome
- 08/16/2022
I’ve mentioned this before and I will again; ice skating isn’t that risk-free and laid back as many people think it is. Just because the performance of world-wide famous skaters seems to flow doesn’t mean that it always looked like that. Behind the performance, there were multiple injuries and possibly even fractures that took time […]
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How Do You Become a Professional Hockey Player?
- Jerome
- 08/05/2022
Picture this: You’re on the field with more than 10,000 fans screaming your team’s name. You feel the adrenaline rush as you’re getting ready to score as many points as you can during the game, so that your team can win another championship. While this sounds like a summary of a class B teenage movie, […]
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Hockey: How Dangerous Is It Really?
- Jerome
- 07/18/2022
I’ve mentioned it previously on my blog, but I don’t think that I have to mention it that often: hockey is a dangerous sport. Even though I love it, and have been following hockey for a long, long time, I must admit that it’s not for everybody. There have been many occasions in which players […]
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The Difference Between Figure Skating and Ice Dancing
- Jerome
- 07/02/2022
As you by now surely know, I am an avid fan of skating of all sorts. It’s one of the main reasons why I am so happy during the wintertime (okay, that, and Christmas holidays as well), as my family and I have a tradition regarding the winter sports. We gather around the TV and […]
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Is Chess a Sport?
- Jerome
- 06/24/2022
Chess is a sport. Bam. There, I said it. Chess is a sport. Now, before some of my readership requests a trial for me, give me a chance to explain myself. Let’s start from the beginning: Whether or not chess is a sport has been an ongoing discussion for such a long time, and there […]
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Rules of Ice Hockey: Hockey 101!
- Jerome
- 06/04/2022
When I was younger, and just getting into ice hockey, I thought that the rules were extremely complicated; I knew that there is the exact amount of players on the field and that the playtime is around an hour long, but I knew nothing else apart from that. And to be frank, it took me […]
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Most Famous Figure Skaters
- Jerome
- 05/29/2022
If you religiously follow any skating championship, you probably have a favorite figure skater, right? Depending on which category you follow, singles, male or female, or pairs, you will probably root for somebody and wait for them to win a prize. No matter the gender, I wanted to compile a list of famous figure skaters […]
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Badminton: What Is It and Why Is It Played Indoors?
- Jerome
- 05/13/2022
While I was coming back home from work today, I agreed on a Badminton match with a colleague of mine on Sunday – we’ve been “rivals” for almost three years now, playing one VS the other, but this time we decided to play against two other colleagues of ours, which we have never done before! […]
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A Brief History Of Hockey
- Jerome
- 04/21/2022
While I am sure that almost everyone knows what hockey is and how it’s played, I’m not sure that a lot of people actually know how old a sport hockey really is. Believe it or not – games that include sticks and pucks existed even in Egypt; There is evidence recording such games being played […]
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