Hockey: How Dangerous Is It Really?
- Jerome
- 07/18/2022
I’ve mentioned it previously on my blog, but I don’t think that I have to mention it that often: hockey is a dangerous sport. Even though I love it, and have been following hockey for a long, long time, I must admit that it’s not for everybody. There have been many occasions in which players […]
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Rules of Ice Hockey: Hockey 101!
- Jerome
- 06/04/2022
When I was younger, and just getting into ice hockey, I thought that the rules were extremely complicated; I knew that there is the exact amount of players on the field and that the playtime is around an hour long, but I knew nothing else apart from that. And to be frank, it took me […]
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A Brief History Of Hockey
- Jerome
- 04/21/2022
While I am sure that almost everyone knows what hockey is and how it’s played, I’m not sure that a lot of people actually know how old a sport hockey really is. Believe it or not – games that include sticks and pucks existed even in Egypt; There is evidence recording such games being played […]
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The Skill-Set You Need In Order To Play Hockey
- Jerome
- 02/23/2022
As with any sport, the player is expected to have a certain skill-set they operate with, in order to be a successful player. This skill-set varies from sport to sport; some sports ask their players to focus on teamwork, others need their leadership skills that create both team-oriented and individual players. While the list of […]
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Best Hockey Teams At The Moment
- Jerome
- 11/15/2021
Let me begin this article by saying: de gustibus non est disputandum (or, as we would say “You shouldn’t dispute about different opinions” – as today, I wanted to share an article that might cause some controversy between hockey fans. Namely, I created a list with some of the best hockey teams at the moment, […]
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Different Types of Hockey
- Jerome
- 08/19/2021
When you are just starting to become interested in hockey, it could be a bit confusing trying to figure out all of the different variants of the sport. Ice hockey alone has a lot of subcategories, or divisions, not to mention other completely different types of hockey. I will try my best to explain some […]
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